Grapevine, Texas now has a new glockenspiel on their clock tower. This glockenspiel clock features two 9 foot characters: the would be train robbers, Nat Barrett & Willy Majors. Just before noon & 6:00 p.m., each day the figures come out to enact an attempt of a robbery.
*Figures come out just before noon & 6:00 p.m.
*Viewing area is located across the street from the clock tower.
*According to the Grapevine, TX website,”when wind gusts are +25 mph 30 minutes before the emergence, Nat and Willy will not emerge”.
Believe it is on Main St.
the southern end of Historic Downtown
Grapevine, Texas
Grapevine Convention & Visitor’s Bureau: Would Be Train Robbers