I-20 (E. of Owenton, TX, E. of US Hwy 271): Oil Derricks Picnic Area

exact location unconfirmed This one has individual picnic tables placed under structures designed to look like oil derricks. Located on on I-20, east of Owentown, east of exit for US Hwy 27. Last I knew, there are no restrooms. ___________________ FREE LOCATION: exit from I-20, east of Owenton, TX or … Continue reading

Grapevine, TX: Glockenspiel Clock Tower “Would Be Train Robbers”

Grapevine, Texas now has a new glockenspiel on their clock tower. This glockenspiel clock features two 9 foot characters: the would be train robbers, Nat Barrett & Willy Majors. Just before noon & 6:00 p.m., each day the figures come out to enact an attempt of a robbery. ________________ FREE … Continue reading

Bertram, TX (& Oatmeal, TX) – Oatmeal Festival …. Labor Day Weekend

2012 will find Bertram, TX celebrating their 35th year of hosting their Oatmeal Festival. The festival will begin Friday night in Oatmeal, TX with a BBQ dinner & the Miss Oatmeal Pageant. Some of the 2012 Saturday activities in Bertram include a pet parade, the Grand Parade, arts & crafts, … Continue reading