Attractions are listed under various categories in each state. Some attractions may be listed under more than one category. There are some attractions that are more difficult to categorize. I will do the best I can with those. Please see below to get an idea of what type of attractions may be found in various categories.
ANIMALS, PRESERVES, SAFARIS: drive through animal preserves or safari type attractions, place to pet, interact or feed animals, or places to see animals
BUILDINGS: everything from oddly or uniquely shaped buildings, retro buildings, clock towers to lighthouses; some are restaurants or gas stations; some are remnants of a bygone heyday; cute, strange, variety of stuff
EERIE, BIZARRE, OR HAUNTED: strange locations or themes; also reportedly haunted places
FESTIVALS: Most listings will be for unusual or unique festivals
GRAVE SITES: just what it says 🙂
HISTORICAL SITES: variety of places
IN THE AREA, SO OF COURSE: places that most people make a destination & if you are in the area, it seems like you should visit – may be anything from the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, Hollywood sign to the Grand Ole Opry
MARKERS , MONUMENTS & MEMORIALS: may be just a plaque or a whole memorial building; some have to do with history, people, crash sites, etc. – variety of stuff
MOVIE & TV RELATED: Sites where scenes from a movie or television show was shot or based on; attractions that are based on movie or TV themes
MUSEUMS: may include some well known; may also contain museums of specific items, places or people (such as Mustard, John Wayne, etc); some strange, bizarre or cute
PARKS: while you might find some state & national, you will also find unique, fun & interesting local parks in various towns & cities; also unusual amusement or historical type parks
RELIGIOUS: things & places that have a religious connection, such as churches, monuments, crosses, etc
REST AREA: listing rest areas that have an interesting attraction, memorial, photo op, etc.
SAMPLES & FREE STUFF : Some places offer samples during or at the end of a tour. Some are also available for just stopping in at a location. While some places don’t have samples, they may offer something extra for children – sometimes just for visiting, others after a small fee for a tour or visit
SHOPPING: Unusual places to shop, nostalgic roadside shops, places to shop for the unusual, unique or unexpected, shops or stores that are unique in products or environment
STATUES: Biggest, smallest, tallest, etc.; Statues of people, animals, food, items; some may not be largest or smallest, but are just there. Some are a part of an attraction; some stand alone and offer a quick spot to stretch your legs & a photo opportunity
TOURS: many places offer tours; some tours are free, while others may charge a small fee; some tours offer samples or freebies; some are guided, others you do on your own; some tours can be done in a few minutes, others may take a half hour or an hour – Some tours have to be scheduled ahead of time. I prefer the ones that do not because I never can predict what day or time I will be in a specific area. You might be surprised at what types of interesting tours are out there
TOWNS: Towns that have a specific theme throughout the whole town or at least a section dedicated to a theme