Driving Route 66 Plan; Where To Start

Before taking on the adventure of Route 66, a little advanced planning can help you make the most of the experience.

Homework for a vacation?

Doing a little homework before your trip will be useful in enhancing your Rt 66 experience. There are so many things to see. Without a bit of before trip prepping, you could potentially miss many places you wish you had known about.

  • Look around the website you are on right now. You can pull up the various states that Rt 66 goes through and check out what is listed. Another way to look for some ideas is by using the search box at the top of any page.
  • There are several books that are great resources for planning.
  •  Check out some pages on Facebook. Go to Facebook and using the search box, look for pages and groups having to do with Route 66.
  • Internet searching is another way to find more information and ideas for your trip.

Remember Route 66 is an experience. It’s the destination. Take as much time as you can to think it out & what experience you want it to be.

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